How we help entrepreneurs start their online business superfast

We know that tech might be the one thing that’s stopping you right now from starting the business of your dreams.

It’s stressing you out, you’re spending all your nights and weekends researching and learning how to go about it, all those sites and blogs with contradicting information, Facebook groups and podcasts.

Let’s face it – the learning curve for tech side of what is involved in building a functional membership site is steep. It really is. And you just wanna do your thing, share your expertise, teach or help clients solve their problems.

Well, that’s where we at Digital Tales come in. We’ve been there, done that – so you don’t have to. What makes us different is that we’re just like you, entrepreneurs in heart, and true membership site owners. We’ve done it first hand and been doing it for others as well for more than 12 years now.

The way we can help you is ridiculously effective: we sell functional and highly customizable WordPress membership sites that can be up and running with days. The site you get is completely yours to keep and customize per your desire. We also help with maintaining your site and other fiddly stuff in case you’re not tech-savvy.

You probably know it already but if not, the number one lesson in running an online business is: don’t build your business on rented property. Number two lesson is that you need a special website that’s designed to do certain things well, that is if your planning to get your business off the ground.

There is no perfect website just to be clear. Magic words when it comes to membership sites and tech are: compromise. Having said this, we’ve done our homework and built sites that we feel good about considering our experience of more than 12 years in the industry. We use the same infrastructure for our own projects too, and it just works.

Here’s the thing:

Before Digital Tales, options when it comes to building your membership site we’re really down to:

Do it yourself. Spend thousands of hours in research, emailing support desks, and getting the info you need. This only works if you’ve got the talent for tech and nerves of steel because at one point you’ll feel that you’re going in circles. Once you enter the world of WordPress plugins, how they work together, and how to make it all seamlessly work is like jumping into the Rabbit hole.
Get someone else to do it for you. This is easier said than done. First of all – so many agencies and individuals offering their services out there. Without a personal recommendation, pretty much impossible to choose. Then there’s thing that’s so annoying: prices are never shown upfront, usually, you get a “choose your budget” selector where the lowest cost option is way out of your budget. Oh no! Okay, why not get a freelance developer to build your site. Having worked with many, there’s one thing that’s really problematic here: developers are not usually entrepreneurs/teachers/content creators/influencers like you. They will build you a site, but it probably won’t do what you want it to do.
How are we at Digital Tales different?
We build highly optimized websites for membership site owners.
We do it based on our own experience of running membership sites and making living out of it.
Our sites are pre-made which allows us to show you the cost upfront, yet highly customizable so that you can make it your own.
We offer additional services specially tailored for your needs when it comes to running an online membership or courses business so you don’t really have to look elsewhere for maintenance and support.
We sell you the website and it’s yours to keep, change it, move it – do whatever you want with it. It’s yours and it’s built with the best tools available at the time.
Our sites are built using WordPress and using premium themes and plugins that are needed for membership site functionality. We have handpicked all these little elements based on countless hours spent building and tweaking membership sites.
So when do you want us to get started on yours?

Digital Tales and services we offer are surely not for everyone and we’re motivated to help you figure that out BEFORE you make the order as we don’t want to waste your time.
Digital Tales is not right for you if you:
Looking for a fully custom website build. We sell pre-made sites that are like a template that you can easily use to quickly make it your own and unique. This helps us deliver your site quickly to you and keep the costs down which leaves you more room for investment in other areas when starting your business. If you’re looking for completely custom design and adding custom functionality outside the site specs offered, we suggest looking elsewhere.
You don’t want to use WordPress for your site. We only build WordPress sites using tools we feel good about, so if you’re looking for a site built on other platforms – our company might not be the right fit for you.
Expect us to write copy for you or create content for your site. We don’t feel copywriting is our thing, so if this is what you need then please check some other options.
Do you expect us to hold your hand while you learn how to deal with all the website stuff? While we provide helpful resources to get started with using and customizing your brand new site, we don’t do training (at least not yet!). You need to be able to do that stuff yourself, have a savvy VA ready or purchase one of our add-ons for specific things we can help you with.
Need us to custom code plugins or functionality outside of what’s on offer. We don’t do coding at all, rather we build your site with entrepreneur’s mindset where we use premium plugins and solutions that are stable and customizable enough for the foreseeable future. If you expect us to do custom coding, please look elsewhere for coders and developers instead.
You’re a perfectionist, and you can’t stand it when things are just not pixel perfect. While we can certainly relate to this, we worked hard over the years to get out of that trap. We can help you get started with a functional website, but it probably won’t be pixel perfect nor do 100% of things you imagined would be cool to have in your membership.
Digital Tales is right for you if you:
Don’t wanna spend another minute on research rather have someone else who’s done that provides you with a functional membership website that’s great to get started with and scale later on.
Need a WordPress site for your membership that uses most popular and regularly updated plugins, all put together to seamlessly work and provide you with the functionality you need for your online business.
You want to own your site, own your domain, and own your hosting. Basically, own your business infrastructure. Once you purchase a website from us, it’s yours to keep. No recurring fees, licenses for using the site or binding contracts.
Need a website that is optimized to drive actions you seek as a membership site owner which are: to build your email list, sell memberships and host courses/resources/community etc).
You like working with family-owned businesses. Digital Tales is a family-owned business, we don’t work on a massive scale or outsource. Our team is small, local, and tight. You’ll feel that through your experience working with us – we got your back and we want you to be happy with our service. In return – we hope you’ll recommend us and maybe even shoot a little testimonial video (you know for social proof and stuff :)).
I want to know all the details upfront so that you can precisely budget your business investment. We’re completely transparent with our pricing and we know how important that is when starting your online business on a budget. You’ll know how much your membership site costs and what you’re getting exactly – before you make a decision to go ahead with your purchase.
You like our vibe and how we think. After all, we are membership site owners ourselves too and Digital Tales is not our only project. We very much enjoy the company of fellow entrepreneurs and creatives. If you’re anything like us, we’ll have a blast working together.
It might feel weird to you that we’re listing all these reasons NOT TO WORK WITH US, but the truth is that if this website we can provide you with is not for you for whatever reason – then no one benefits from that.
We only want to work with happy customers. So please think twice before making the purchase to make sure the service we offer is the right fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions? Sure, let us answer them for you…
Q: What do I need to provide to get a website from you?
A: You need a hosting service and domain for your business. We’ll only install the website on our own “grounds”, so you need to make the domain and hosting space purchase yourself. There are some technical requirements for hosting, but most of the popular choices out there that can host WordPress sites will work with our website without a problem. Once you have purchased hosting, you’ll provide us with needed access to install and setup your website.
Q: Do you provide website maintenance service?
A: Yes, we provide website maintenance service where we do all the security updates and backups for you. Click here for more information about this add-on. Please note that we don’t provide server maintenance service, this needs to be done by the hosting provider of your choice where you decide to purchase hosting and/or be organized from your end.
Q: Is the site you build customizable?
A: We’re proud to tell that our sites are as customizable as it gets with no coding needed whatsoever. This means that sites we build include a visual editor functionality where you can easily build pages, customize elements, and change every little detail of your website. Some of these services can be done from our and for you, click here to view available add-ons.
Q: I can see that you’re using premium WordPress plugins for some of the functionality. Who provides licenses for those plugins and if updates are included?
A: There are two options here – you can either a) purchase licenses yourself or b) take our site maintenance package (huge savings on licenses cost!) which includes updates and support for premium plugins. In case of our maintenance package, your plugin support requests will be forwarded from our end to respective developers and we don’t provide support for 3rd party plugins from our end.
Q: How long does it take for website to be ready?
A: We aim to deliver all orders as quickly as possible. After you provide us with all the information we need to process your order, your website will be ready within days.
Q: What happens if I don’t like the website?
A: We encourage you to get in touch with us with any questions you might have before you make the purchase. After the site has been delivered and installed on your hosting, it’s no longer possible to get a refund for your purchase.
Q: Will my site be able to do X functionality?
A: Our sites are designed with the specific needs of entrepreneurs running online membership and courses business. We go into great depths to describe and spec out what the site will be able to do. In case you need any special functionality or want to double-check anything you’re not sure about, please get in touch.
Q: How can I get support?
A: We provide support through the process to get you onboarded as smoothly as possible with your new website. You’ll get access to helpful resources designed to get you up and running. Depending on the product you buy as well as add-ons, additional support might be provided.
Q: Not sure if your site is right for me, do you have a demo?
A: Yes, we do. Please fill in this form to request a demo.
Q: Can I easily cancel subscription-based services?
A: While most of the services we provide are paid on a one-off basis, some of the services might be automatic recurring payments for your convenience. Auto-renewing services can be canceled by sending us an email or canceling directly by logging into your account on the site.
Q: I’m convinced, where can I buy my membership site?
A: Great, just click on this link and we’ll get you sorted.

The main issue with developers building your membership site is: their mindset. Devs approach problem-solving from their own special point of view, and more often than not the end product you envisioned is way off from what they consider functional. Thing is, devs usually just operate in ‘theory mode’ where they set up test environments for sites they build. So that would be a possible membership site with just one dummy course. Unless you’re working with a developer specialized in membership sites builds – you’re in trouble. Why? Because your developer likely doesn’t have experience running a real membership site with lots of members, content, and all on a daily basis. He doesn’t know the business side of things. Unless you’re an amazing project manager yourself and know how to work with developers (huh – another hat to wear where you just want your business to go online), then there is little chance the site you get will look and function the way you need it to. Stuff you take for granted (like email opt-ins or sales pages) is something you need to precisely specify and go in-depth with custom development. The bottom line is – that route is risky and can cost you time and money, neither you can afford to lose in the startup phase of your online business.